
Friday, April 23, 2021

Fetch- To Be On All Fours, Or To Not Be On All Fours? That Was This Week's Question.

There comes a time in each play process where everything becomes real, and the hard work begins. This week was that time in our production, at least on my end. I got started with our first rehearsal, which was a read-through, got to pull the necessary furniture so I could begin prepping the blocking, started blocking, and had our first production meeting. It’s been a lot, but it’s been fun so far. 

Before rehearsal, I had asked my actors to do some text work before coming to read, and they were amazing enough to do so! Because of this, we were able to jump in headfirst into the material and start to really play around with energy and relationships. We also had a great conversation about physicality- Libby and I were able to talk them into being on all fours- which gives me a place to start for blocking and understanding the different aspects of creating levels. We start blocking on Sunday, and honestly, the hardest part is going to be working around the cone of shame- it’s most likely going to limit his vision, and limit what we can see of his face. 

During class, we had the discussion of making the shows be filmed on a security camera, and Libby and I thought that it would be a great touch for Fetch. We think it would make sense as to why the audience would be watching dogs in a waiting room. We discussed this idea in our production meeting, and hopefully, something cool will come out of it. 

Overall, I’m feeling pretty good about where we’re at with the process. That might change depending on how everything goes, but I have faith that it will all work out eventually. There’s a lot of uncertainty that COVID has caused with how all of this will take shape, and there’s the personal uncertainty that comes with not having directed for over a year, but so far, it’s been great. I’m looking forward to blocking in person on Sunday. 

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