
Sunday, May 12, 2019

A New Cast Member. Welcome Nick!

This week has been the most interesting week of this whole process. I lost one of my team members and had to completely recast someone new. I reached out to Liz as soon as I found out and made sure I was proactive in finding a replacement fast. I was connected with someone who has been wanting to be in productions and he was very excited to get to work on the show! I was able to get his schedule to line up with ours and we were back it again! I had a couple days where I did not know if it was going to work it. It was very scary but a great way to learn what to do in these last-minute situations.

He was present at Friday’s rehearsal where we got him all blocked in! We were able to go back through the entire show and work him in! At the end, we were even able to do a full run of the show with all of our transitions. It is such a great feeling to have my show back and my confidence back. It was lost for a few days, but Lucy and I are feeling a lot better now that we have Nick!

What a week it has been, but everything does happen for a reason!

I could not be happier with the work that Nick has put in already! He is so excited to be a part of this team!

Next, we need to go back through the show and really get some meat on it. We have four more rehearsals before the company runs! I am so excited to show this to the class and the other actors!

Welcome Nick!

This is a photo from Friday’s rehearsal!

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