
Friday, May 4, 2018

The Courier: Finding the Humor

Hi there everyone,

I've had a few rehearsals with my cast so far and I think it's going really well. There has been a lot of character ideas and growth for every actor involved. Another obstacle we've encountered during this has been the need to lighten-up the material.

It's very easy to get stuck in a dramatic piece as being solely dramatic and dramatic throughout. I would argue that this is never the case because human beings are always experiencing moments of humor and pleasure in the midst of life events. The overlapping emotions of happiness and nervousness, excitement and fear, are often experienced by us human beings simultaneously. My goal was to make sure this honesty could be seen in the characters on the stage as well.

A solution I've discovered for this has been to sit everyone down and make a joke out of every single line. It feels foolish at first, however, it ends up being really fun and actors end up exploring humorous physicalities. I got up and walked around with them, doing big movements and asking them questions that forced them to respond with more humor and have more fun.

I found that this was incredibly successful not only in allowing the actors to see the humor in their lines, but also increased the energy in the room. I look forward to applying this to all the scenes and discovering what humor can be kept versus which moments require more serious undertones.

Stay tuned for more.

- Lindsey Esch

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