
Monday, April 20, 2015

Cheep Cheep 2

Hello again!

Tonight we finished blocking. Blocking is one of the most awkward ways a director and cast have to interact with each other. Picture this: The poor actor, script in hand trying to read new material, stumbling around the stage as the director can't make up his mind on what looks better, crossing behind or in front of an imaginary setpiece, all the while trying to create character and meaningful relationship with the other stumbling actors.

That being said, we killed it. I'm very impressed with this cast already. Once we had crawled our awkward way through blocking the second half, they did a speed through all by themselves. It didn't look nearly as gross as it had ten minutes before, and was actually funny. A lot of things worked out better than I thought they would. Props to these people.

With the Blitzkrieg blocking over, we're sitting very comfortably for the next 6-7 weeks before we preform. I wanted it this way, because right now we're only sharing the space with one other One Act, which rehearses directly before us. Once Dolly West and Them Scary Reds wrap up we'll be running into more competition over the lab. This is fine, because with blocking done I can focus on working scenes, which definitely don't need the entire space.

Wham bam killin' it here's a picture of a chicken seeya later h8rs.

P.S. I don't like to cook. I thought I would mention that for some reason.

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