
Friday, April 16, 2021

FETCHing Some Actors

 Casting a show is hard. Having to weigh all the auditions and all the things people did really well, and trying to not double cast with 4 shows all running simultaneously. It's a lot. 

I remember it being about 11 o'clock, the auditions are due at midnight, and just looking at the folder to see that only about 8 people have turned in an audition and we need 9 actors. It was nerve wracking to say the least. In the end, we had 11 auditions, but ran into the problem of having way more males than females (which is not usually a problem that is had in theatre). Although this worried at the time, it actually ended up working out fine in the end. I think that all the shows ended up being cast amazingly and am so excited to see what these actors have in store. 

It was interesting going through auditions because one of the thoughts in my head is "how open will this person be to running around and acting like a dog", which is not a thought I ever really expected to have, so that was funny.  Of course, this is more of a directing decision, because I honestly have no idea how this show will end up looking in the end. That is one of the fun parts of being the writer, it is somewhat out of your hands once production starts. These one acts are a bit different in that we effectively act as the Assistant Stage Managers of our show, but still. My word baby is now in Lorna's hands.

With that being said, I think Lorna is going to be an amazing director. Every idea that she has had and shared with me, I have loved. Her concept presentation was so spot on to what I've been envisioning in my head that I almost teared up a bit. I can't wait for the amazing costumes, the cone of shame. It is all going to be wonderful. It will be great to see it slowly come together. 

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