
Friday, April 12, 2019

A Curious Case of Small Murders: Beginnings

Well, I guess this is happening.

When I presented my first draft of "A Curious Case of Small Murders" to the class I was so dissatisfied with the draft and expected so much criticism to help improve it, and I had no intentions to submit for the one act festival. The class ended up enjoying the reading the first draft, way more than I expected. I was extremely surprised and pleased with the reaction, and it was this enthusiasm from the class that prompted me to change my mind and submit my play for consideration in the One Act Festival.

Now there are only a few days until auditions and I get to see who is going to bring my characters to life. I'm so excited, not just to find out who the cast is going to be, but it will also be my first time attending an audition for an OSU production. It will be interesting to see the audition from the casting side as my first time at an audition.

I have been stressing about the scheduling process for rehearsals since the first day of class, and that continues to be my biggest worry. Fortunately my play only has two characters which makes scheduling rehearsals easier than the plays with larger casts.

I'm looking forward to starting rehearsals, working with my director, evolving my script, and seeing my play come to life. I'm looking forward to seeing how all the other plays come together as well.

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