
Friday, May 14, 2021

The Pieces are Coming Together!

 Yesterday was an exciting rehearsal because it was our first time working with props, costumes, lighting, and the camera! We film next Thursday and it was our last time in the space until then so it was crucial we utilized every new piece, and it's looking oh so great. It was so fun to see everything come together and it was definitely one of those rehearsals where I remembered why I do theatre in the first place- to create art. Josh and Lane did a phenomenal job working with all of their pieces and they truly became the characters last night, I genuinely felt like I was watching Rick and Millie. You could feel them listening to each other and putting their emotions into every moment - I cried... many times.

It has been such a wonderful process working on this project with all these incredibly talented people, I could gush for hours. It's been wild seeing something I made come to life and it has definitely been an experience I will think about until the day I die. Rick and Millie are characters I created out of love for the people in my life that have experienced drug addiction. I wanted to create a realistic moment and show that everyone f*cks up sometime in life, but everyone in this world deserves a chance and the room to grow and learn from their mistakes. I hope the audience enjoys Rick and Millie as much as I have and forever will. Thank you forever and always to Liz Helman for giving me this opportunity, I wouldn't have discovered something I love if it wasn't for your support. To Nich for even wanting to do this show and for being one of the best directors I've ever worked with. Finally, to the wonderfully talented Josh and Millie who have blown me out of the water since day one and for originating these roles. 

I can't wait for filming day!

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