Hi again everyone!
This week has been full of excitement as we had auditions! They were due at midnight on Sunday and we casted the whole festival the next morning. The day auditions were due I found myself jittery with expectations and the way they shift as I sorted through each submission. Everyone who submitted was very talented and made fun choices. There were many ways in which the show could go. The pandemic has made things difficult, and while I believe us to be very lucky with the auditions we had, I can't help but be excited for a time when casting can be done in a live setting. Despite the inkling for a time when we can have live auditions, I felt confident in the casting of not only my production but all of the other directors.
After we casted the show, we began the process of scheduling and working out the production details. I must admit with my background in stage management, I love a good clean calendar. I could not help it but feel a little overwhelmed with the scheduling aspect as we all are students with many other responsibilities school, work, and extracurriculars mix that with Covid-19 protocols there can be an overwhelming sense of how is this all going to fit together! Luckily those nerves were quickly pushed aside as the calendar began to fit together like a puzzle piece. In the end, we all ended up with a schedule that handles the different conflicts and gives us time in the space.
The read through was brilliant! It was empowering to see all of the Zoom boxes filled with directors, writers, actors, stage manager, and designers. This project was really happening! It's more than just words we are all putting on a production. This excitement was kept up as we watched the first readings on Zoom. After all the readings were done, we hopped into a breakout room and did introductions. We talked about expectations, scheduling, and next steps. The talent and excitement from the cast and the rest of the creative team calms me as I feel confident in the end we'll have a brilliant show. I can't wait for our first Zoom rehearsal on Wednesday!
Looking forward to updating you all soon.
- Haille Lantz
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